Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Start Over

 So many things have happened since I last wrote on this blog. Our family lives in Canada, I have become a nurse, I have been working through depression, anxiety and PTSD. My parents have moved, our oldest daughter has moved out on her own and my children are now all adults! The most significant change is not one I am proud of, over the past seven years I have gained back all the weight I worked so hard to lose and then some. 

Last year, I had a large stag horn stone removed surgically from my kidney, and my recent follow up bloodwork was an eye opener. So Thursday evening after my appointment with my urologist I decided NOW is the time I have to change! No more waiting to lose weight when I feel like it, letting my mood control my cravings or living with self loathing and shame. 

Friday morning, I stepped on the scale and BOOM 239.8lbs. Today my journey begins. No more pop and juice to explode my calorie intake. Smaller portions and better choices lead the way. Get off the couch and move! I am slowly building up distance walking each day and looking forward to lifting some weights. 

Slow and steady, that is how I will manage this lifetime change. It cannot be looked at as temporary or until I lose the weight. This is a forever journey that requires action today. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

30 Pounds

It's official, I have lost 30 lbs. The last two and a half since I stopped counting calories, so that was encouraging.

My thinking has changed a lot since this journey began and I know I that it is because I am trusting on the Lord to help me through this.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Work out with Weights

Today I worked out with weights for the first time. I think I might not be able to feel my arms tomorrow.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

Two Weeks at the Gym

Okay, so after two weeks of going to the gym I have noticed a change in my stamina. I have also noticed that my waist has gone down 2 inches, my hips 1/2 an inch and my chest 2 inches.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I'm Just a Sweat Machine

Last night Myah came to the gym with me. She snapped these pictures.

I sweat so much during my workout and drink about 1 1/2 litres of water, but it feels good afterward.
On the stepper
I love using the bike!

My least favourite - the elliptical!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Good Kind of Sore

I went to the gym for the first time yesterday. I used the stationary bike, elliptical machine and a stepping machine. I was sore at the end, but the good kind of sore. You know when you rediscover muscles you forgot you had. My plan is to go three days a week and if I do anything else it will be to continue my walking here on the base.

I also weighed in this morning and I am now at 189.8 lbs. I made it to the 180's. It has been a long time. Great to see you, but hope to leave you in about a month. He he.

Had to start using a belt to hold my pants up.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013


I wanted to see if I could notice a difference in my face in the last three months. Sure enough I can. But wait, there's more, check out the rest of me!

4 days before starting my life change.
After 3 months